Worker's Compensation - Standard Services
Small and mid-sized businesses are substantially underserved by the insurance industry for Workers’ Compensation insurance. While required by law in all (except Texas) many companies find coverage is difficult to obtain and the cost of coverage to be exorbitant when available. dmDickason provides workers’ compensation coverage and allows our clients to eliminate up-front fees and deposits. In addition, dmDickason’s Safety / Risk Management team provides guidance for improving workplace safety and managing workers’ compensation claims.
Our scope of Workers’ Compensation Services Include:
- Procurement and administration of Workers’ Compensation insurance in your state
- Provide “A”-rated carrier coverage
- Provide pay-as-you-go Workers’ Compensation payments without large up-front deposits
- Shared employee risks
- Legal posting of Workers’ Compensation compliance notifications
- Coverage through fully insured "A"-rated insurance companies
- Same day issuance of insurance certificates
- Same day Investigation of Worksite accidents
- Post accident drug screening
- Claims preparation and worksite injury reporting
- Management of employee medical referral network
- Monitoring of employee and claims adjuster activities
- Monthly open Workers’ Compensation claims follow-up
- Management of medical only claims
- Buying power through dmDickason’s economies of scale
- Risk Management inspections
- Safety training
- OSHA log preparation
- Investigations and fraud protection
- Return-to-Work Programs
- Access to library of Workers’ Compensation forms / reports
dmDickason’s claims management team is the liaison between you, your injured employee, the doctor, and the insurance company. This makes your employee feel “cared for” and results in lower accidents and reduced costs.
Workers’ Compensation Administration – Enhanced Services
Additional fees may be charged for enhanced services such as:
- Specialized Safety training
- OSHA compliance preparation
- Insurance carrier loss control consultation
- Develop / monitor Employee safety committee
- Preparation of Safety plans
- Safety incentive programs
Note: Although many of these services are optional with our basic level (“silver”) plan, they may be included in our gold and platinum level service plans. For a more complete listing of dmDickason’s optional or enhanced Workers’ Compensation / Risk Management Services, please ask your dmDickason Business Development Manager or Risk Department.
Safety and Risk Reduction - Standard Services
Reducing risk means increasing profits. dmDickason’s full-time / local loss-prevention professionals can work with your company to tailor safety programs that minimize employee injuries and expensive claims. Our goal is to work with your Company to minimize risk, reduce lost time for injured workers, lower medical expenses and eliminate fraudulent claims.
- Same day accident investigations
- Accident investigations studies to prevent reoccurrence
- Loss trending and analysis
- Worksite injury claims management with legal counsel
- Post accident drug testing
- Review of new employee hiring and screening process
- Safety reviews
- On-site safety risk analysis
- Safety training
- Management of the payment of claims
- Tracking or Workers’ Compensation claims
- Compliance screening services and training
- Legal posting requirements
- Unemployment insurance eligibility
- Workers’ Compensation benefits payment administration
- Resource for safety materials