Tip of the Month - October 2024

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Take the test: Gaining compliance from stubborn employees
For each statement, rate your answers from 1 to 5 using this scale:

1=never     2=occasionally     3=sometimes
4=usually      5=always

  1. When I ask my least favorite employee to do something, I don’t mind if the employee doesn’t “get it” the first time. I’m willing to repeat myself in a patient tone.
  2. When I give instructions, I allow employees to ask questions and express any reservations.
  3. My personal dislike of an employee doesn’t influence how I communicate when I assign a task.
  4. Whenever I give instructions, I plan what I’m going to say.
  5. When I ask my least favorite employee to do something, I stick to describing the task, without injecting any personal comments.
  6. When I ask my least favorite employee to do something, I always explain the over-all goal first and allow him or her to suggest options.
  7. I’m comfortable telling an employee exactly how his or her behavior is creating a problem, and I do so in a tactful manner.

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