The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is “extra”
10 Top Reasons for using dmDICKASON Personnel Services
(Click on the links below for more details)
- We know what we are doing – Over 40 years experience, right here in El Paso!
- 40+ local staff employees (most are specialists in their field) to serve you
- The best A rated staffing industry insurance protection available.
- Convenience – El Paso’s only one stop shopping / full-service staffing Company
- Price Competitive: Are you looking for cheap, or the best value?
- Locally / privately Owned & Operated – The Buck(s) stop here!
- The best trained / most experienced staffing industry Specialists in the Region
- We care! We really want your business
- Every staffing service is not the same – We are the best at what we do!
- Local / in-house Payroll Processing / Risk Mgmt & Human Resource Services.
And even one more...
- We are certified by the American Staffing Association (ASA) in both labor law and Risk Management compliance & a member in good standing with both the ASA and NAPEO (the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations)
dmDickason Difference #9
Every staffing service is not the same – We are the best at what we do!
Benefit to You?
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. Not true of staffing companies! We are not all the same! And I encourage you to consider the differences, many of which have already been discussed above. As a summary, use the following checklist to compare dmDickason with your current staffing / Employee Leasing company. You need to award your business to the service that provides you with the most for your money.
Established Maturity |
dmDickason Services |
Brand X (your service) |
Established in 1965 – Over 40+ years local staffing Company experience |
35 years experience as a local “National” Staffing Company |
Large System benefits, training & knowledge, with a personal & entrepreneurial touch and hands-on dedication of a local company. |
Owned and operated by NMSU Alumni – The buck stops here! |
A HUGE personal stake in our community – Failure is NOT an option. |
Business revenue generated by dmDickason stays right here, in our region, to help support your business and our community. |
Our Owners fully understand that our success depends entirely on the good business relationships (and trust) established with you. |
We will provide the "personal touch" that larger National Staffing Companies cannot |
We provide the large system benefits, training & experience that the smaller staffing companies cannot. |
Our Company Owners & Key decision makers will personally know you - We make business decisions that are good for you and our community -not our Shareholders! |
We know what we are doing! Our local Management team has over 150+ years of combined staffing experience - most of it with dmDickason Personnel Services. |
dmDickason is here to stay. Our local business has survived 5-6 deep economic recessions since our inception, and we are still going strong! |
We have very deep local roots. No need to worry that dmDickason will abandon you when there are serious / difficult Human Resource, Risk Management, Worksite accidents or Payroll issues to deal with. |
We can provide you with glowing references and testimonials |
We have the experience, maturity and knowledge to help manage your most difficult staffing or HR assignment. |
We have specialists in their area of expertise - your business not being supported by clerks or generalists! |
Service beyond (your) expectations - We do not compete for "low bid" business because we refuse to provide "low-bid" services. |
A-Rated Insurance Protection / Coverage |
dmDickason Services |
Brand X (your service) |
Statutory Workers’ Compensation |
Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance Coverage |
Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) Coverage |
General Liability |
Owned & non-Owned Automobile Liability coverage |
Umbrella Coverage |
Affiliations / Certifications / Honors |
dmDickason Services |
Brand X (your service) |
We are Certified in Risk Management best practices by the American Staffing Association (ASA) |
Several of our Managers and Staff are Certified (some double certified) in Employment Law by the American Staffing Association (ASA) and the National Association of Personnel Consultants (NAPC) |
We are a member in good standing with the American Staffing Association (ASA) |
We are a member in good standing with the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations (NAPEO) |
We are an active member in good standing with the El Paso Hispanic Chamber of Commerce |
We are a member in good standing with the El Paso Greater Chamber of Commerce |
We are an active member in good standing with the El Paso Better Business Bureau |
dmDickason is a certified Minority / Woman Owned Business Enterprise |
Certified H.U. B. (Historically Underutilized Business) provider |
Named (one of) top 250 largest Hispanic owned business enterprise in America |
Named one of top 15 fastest growing companies in El Paso |
Licensed Professional Employer Organization in Texas and New Mexico |
A-Rated Workers' Compensation insurance coverage in all United States |
Small Business Administration's (SBA's) Business of the Year |
Local Owner's on several Board of Directors / Presidents of many organizations |
Owner's (both) personally certified in employment / labor law |
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